Managing pdf files in Linux
Managing pdf files is relatively easy in Linux. It does not take too much imagination. Linux comes pre-packaged with easy to use commands for managing your pdf files. By managing here I mean splitting or merging or coverting from docx...
Managing disk partitions in Linux
The fdisk (format disk/fixed disk) command is used to view, create, resize, delete, change, copy and/or move partitions on a hard-drive. You must use the command as root.
Managing multiple python versions with pyenv
Pyenv is a super simple utility that makes working with different python versions a breeze. If you have used ruby before, then most certainly you know about rbenv, that swiss knife of ruby utilities that makes installing and managing ruby...
Python Decorators

Before embarking on this cool topic of python decorators, let’s first talk about the concept of higher order functions.
Restaurant Web Application with Flask
In this project, we are going to build a Restaurant web application. This application will display a list of restaurants and their menus. It will provide functionality for adding, deleting or modifying any given restaurant and/or any one of its...