Before embarking on this cool topic of python decorators, let’s first talk about the concept of higher order functions.
In python, functions are treated as first class objects. This simply means that they can be passed in as parameters, they can act as return values in other functions, they can be defined inside other functions, they can even be assigned to variables besides their traditional role as a means of abstraction.
Higher order functions are functions that manipulate other functions. They accept other functions as arguments, can have other functions defined in their local environments and can also return other functions. Treating functions as first class objects is what makes all this possible. Let’s look at some examples to make all this concrete.
# passing functions as arguments
def doTwice(f, x):
Takes a function f and applies it twice.
>>> doTwice(square, 2)
return f(f(x))
# Returning functions as values
def doTwiceMaker(f):
A function that returns a function
>>> twosquare = doTwiceMaker(square)
>>> twosquare(2)
>>> 16
same as below
>>> doTwiceMaker(square)(2)
>>> 16
return lambda x: f(f(x))
# Nested definitions of functions
def doTwiceMaker(f):
Function defined inside another function.
def twoF(x):
return f(f(x))
return twoF
We can see from the examples demonstrated above that functions can be passed in as parameters, returned as values or defined inside other functions.
Let’s examine the third example which has a nested function definition in a
little more detail. Here, the local def
statement only affects the current
local scope of the function in question (doTwiceMaker). The twoF
will only be in scope while doTwiceMaker
is being evaluated.
The locally defined twoF
function also has access to the name bindings
in the scope in which it is defined (i.e. the doTwiceMaker
function). Hence,
the variable f
referenced in its body refers to the name f
which is a
formal parameter of the doTwiceMaker
function, its parent. In general,
nested function definitions have access to names that are defined in their
parent functions, including their formal parameters
( the vice-versa scenario doesn’t apply though).
This discipline of sharing names among nested definitions is called lexical
Inner functions will always have access to the names in the environment where they are defined, not where they are called. You should always remember this.
Now that we have covered most of what you will need to understand decorators, jump right in.
Python Decorators
Simply put, a python decorator is a function that takes another function as a parameter and adds extra functionality to it. In a way, it is a type of higher order function. This function is basically used to “wrap” other functions. It takes in a function as input and returns a new function that pre-processes the inputs or post-processes the outputs of the original function.
Say you have a stand alone function that need not be modified. To extend its functionality, just pass it to the decorator. The decorator will then return a new function in place of the original one with the desired functionality added.
For example, suppose you want to print the type of the output that a function returns. We can define a decorator that adds this functionality.
def typePrinter(func):
""" A decorator for printing the type of output a function returns."""
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
output = func(*args, **kwargs) # calls the original decorated function
print("Output type:", type(output)) # process before finishing
return output # Return function output
return wrapper
The outer function, typePrinter
returns a new function wrapper
. Since
wrapper accepts *args and **kwargs as arguments, the input function func
could accept any number of positional or key-word arguments.
Let us now apply our decorator to a function.
def mul(a, b):
return a * b
# Apply the decorator to mul function
mul = typePrinter(mul)
We have defined a function mul
that returns the product of two inputs.
Thereafter, we have called the typePrinter
decorator, passing in mul
as a
paramter. The return value of this decorator call is again assigned to a
variable called mul. Note that this particular mul does not reference the
original function. It points to the new function returned by the decorator.
The new function is basically the wrapper that was defined in the decorator,
with its func value pointing to the original mul that was passed to
the decorator call.
Now calling mul
actually calls wrapper
, which then calls the original
>>> mul(3, 4)
Output type: <class 'int'>
>>> mul(3.0, 4.0)
Output type: <class 'float'>
The decorator pattern is so common that it has a special syntax. To apply a decorator to a function, we can simply tag the function’s definition with an @ symbol and the decorator name. The previous code can then be expressed more succintly as shown below.
# Apply the decorator. This is similar to:
# mul = typePrinter(mul)
def mul(a, b):
return a * b
Let’s look at another example. This time, we are going to use a decorator to print how long it takes a given function to run.
import time
def timer(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
start = time.time()
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
print('Time to run: '.format(time.time() - start))
return result
return wrapper
# Usage
def double(x):
return 2 * x
# Results
>>> double(2)
Time to run: 3.814697265625e-06
This decorator creates a function called wrapper that adds new functionality to the original function without modifying it.
In summary, a decorator is just a normal function. It takes a function as a parameter and when called, it returns a different function with some added functionality.